Burnaby Teachers Collective Agreement 2020: What You Need to Know

The Burnaby Teachers Collective Agreement for 2020 has arrived and it`s important to know what it means for both teachers and the school district. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions for employment for Burnaby teachers and covers a wide range of topics, including salaries, benefits, job security, and working conditions.

One important change in this agreement is the salary increase for teachers. Teachers will receive a 2% wage increase starting in September 2020, followed by another 2% increase in September 2021. This increase will help support teachers in covering their living expenses and provide some much-needed financial relief.

In addition to the salary increase, the agreement also includes provisions for improved benefits. Teachers will have access to better health and dental coverage, as well as increased coverage for prescription drugs. This will help ensure that they are able to take care of their health and well-being while working in the challenging environment of the classroom.

Job security is another important aspect of the agreement. Teachers will benefit from a renewed commitment to seniority rights, which means that teachers who have been with the district longer will have greater job security and be less likely to face layoffs or reductions in hours.

Working conditions have also been addressed in the agreement. Teachers will have more time during the school day for preparation, planning, and professional development. This will allow them to better meet the needs of their students and ensure that they are providing the highest quality education possible.

Overall, the Burnaby Teachers Collective Agreement for 2020 is a positive step forward for teachers in the district. It provides them with the financial and job security they need to continue providing excellent education to their students. By supporting their teachers, the district can better support the education needs of the community as a whole.

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