Stanford University Material Transfer Agreement: A Guide for Researchers

If you are a researcher or scientist, you are probably familiar with the concept of Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs). MTAs are legal documents that outline the terms and conditions for the transfer of materials, such as biological materials, chemicals, or data, between two or more organizations or entities. These agreements are essential to ensure that the recipient can use the material for the intended purpose and that the provider retains ownership and control over the materials.

Stanford University, one of the top research institutions in the world, is no exception. Researchers at Stanford often need to transfer materials between the University and other institutions or private companies. In such cases, they need to follow the guidelines and procedures outlined in the Stanford University Material Transfer Agreement.

What is the Stanford University Material Transfer Agreement?

The Stanford University Material Transfer Agreement is a legal document that governs the transfer of materials to and from Stanford University. This agreement sets out the terms and conditions of the transfer, including the rights and obligations of the parties involved.

Stanford University has two types of MTAs: the incoming MTA and the outgoing MTA. An incoming MTA is used when Stanford University is the recipient of the material, whereas an outgoing MTA is used when Stanford University is the provider of the material.

Why is the Stanford University Material Transfer Agreement important?

The Stanford University Material Transfer Agreement is important because it ensures that the materials are used for the intended purpose and that the provider retains ownership and control over the materials. It protects the intellectual property rights of both the provider and the recipient.

Additionally, the MTA is essential for compliance with federal regulations and laws. It ensures that the material is transferred in accordance with the Bayh-Dole Act, which governs the transfer of intellectual property rights resulting from federally funded research.

What are the key clauses of the Stanford University Material Transfer Agreement?

The Stanford University Material Transfer Agreement contains several key clauses that are essential for the transfer of materials. These include the following:

1. Definition of Materials: This clause defines the materials being transferred, including their quantity, description, and any applicable regulatory classifications.

2. Restrictions on Use: This clause outlines any restrictions on the use of the materials. For example, the recipient may be required to use the materials only for research purposes and not for commercial purposes.

3. Intellectual Property: This clause addresses the ownership and control of intellectual property rights resulting from the use of the materials. It may include provisions for licensing agreements and patent applications.

4. Confidentiality: This clause outlines any confidentiality requirements related to the materials being transferred. It may require the recipient to keep the materials confidential and not disclose them to third parties.

5. Indemnification: This clause addresses any liabilities or damages that may arise from the use of the materials. It may require the recipient to indemnify the provider against any damages or liabilities.


The Stanford University Material Transfer Agreement is an essential document for researchers and scientists who need to transfer materials between Stanford University and other institutions or private companies. It protects the intellectual property rights of both the provider and the recipient and ensures compliance with federal regulations and laws. Researchers at Stanford University should be familiar with the key clauses of the MTA and ensure that they follow the guidelines and procedures set out in the agreement.

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