As a professional, I understand the importance of using specific and relevant keywords to help articles rank higher in search engine results. When it comes to discussing agreements about how to treat each other, there are several phrases that can be used as alternative names.

One commonly used term is a “code of conduct.” A code of conduct is a set of guidelines that outlines the expected behavior and ethics of a particular group or organization. It can cover topics such as respect, communication, confidentiality, and honesty. Codes of conduct are often used in professional settings, such as workplaces and associations, to ensure that members adhere to a certain standard of behavior and to prevent misconduct or unethical actions.

Another term that can be used to describe agreements about how to treat each other is “social norms.” Social norms are the unwritten rules that govern behavior within a society or social group. They can be informal or formal and can vary between cultures and subcultures. Social norms can cover a wide range of behaviors, from shaking hands when greeting someone to respecting personal space to using polite language.

A third term that can be used is “etiquette.” Etiquette refers to the generally accepted rules of behavior within a particular culture or society. It covers various aspects of social interaction, such as manners, dress, and communication. Etiquette can vary widely between cultures and subcultures, and it can also change over time.

In conclusion, when discussing agreements about how to treat each other, there are several phrases that can be used as alternative names. These include code of conduct, social norms, and etiquette. By using these terms, writers can create content that is more specific, relevant, and optimized for search engines.

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