As a copy editor, one of the most common errors I see in writing is a lack of noun-verb agreement. This occurs when the verb used in a sentence does not match the noun it is referring to in terms of number (singular or plural). For example, “The cat chases the mouse” is correct because both “cat” and “chases” are singular. However, “The cat chase the mouse” is incorrect because “cat” is singular and “chase” is plural.

To help writers avoid this error, there are many noun-verb agreement worksheets available online. These worksheets typically consist of a series of sentences with incorrect noun-verb agreement, and the writer`s task is to identify and correct the errors. Here are a few tips for using these worksheets effectively:

1. Start with the basics: If you or your writers are new to noun-verb agreement, start with the basics. Look for worksheets that focus on singular and plural nouns and verbs, and work through them until your writers are comfortable with the rules.

2. Move on to more complex worksheets: Once your writers have mastered the basics, move on to more complex worksheets that include subject-verb agreement with compound subjects, indefinite pronouns, and collective nouns.

3. Use real-world examples: To make the worksheets more engaging and relevant, use real-world examples in the sentences. For example, instead of “The cat chases the mouse,” use “The students study for their exams.”

4. Provide feedback: As your writers work through the worksheets, provide feedback on their corrections. Point out errors they missed, and explain why their corrections are correct or incorrect.

By using noun-verb agreement worksheets, writers can improve their writing skills and avoid common errors. With practice and feedback, they can master this important grammar rule and produce clear, error-free writing.

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